Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week 5

Well, we've made it to week 5.

Hollywood is still doing great. He was a bit sore after his last trim (picts in previous post). But after booting him and giving him some STP, he was trotting around the turnout chasing our pony, Ginger, again.

My trimmer said to start riding him so next week I will. We'll start off easy and see how it goes. This time last year Hollywood tried to go barefoot. He didn't do very well. Now I am more prepared to keep him comfortable and am determined to keep him barefoot.

I also have been soaking all four hooves twice weekly in a water/lysol mixture. I have noticed that his heels/frog have opened up a bit and the thrush is gone. Thank goodness!!!! Soaking hooves is NOT my favorite chore to do!

Make it a great day!!