Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy December!

It's been a while since my last blog. Not much has happened, not much to report!

Hollywood was trimmed last week and he is MUCH better. His heels are opening, he has a nice concave on his front hooves and the trush is gone!

I have been riding him or working him 4 times a week and he is doing great. I don't notice any lameness or soreness riding him or working him. So, now I just need to get him back into shape! Ha Ha!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

Hollywood and I have been doing some riding!!! On Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, we did some light riding in the hopes of getting him back in shape. Well, my daughters wanted to ride around with me in the turnout on Sunday. It was great fun! I was riding bareback, my youngest saddled, and my oldest bareback. Whatever happened for sure, we won't know, but my oldest ran into my youngest and then into me. My youngest fell off scraping her elbow and I fell of brusing the left side of my rib cage. I haven't been able to ride since Sunday. I am pretty sad. I'll work Hollywood in the round pen later today to pick up where we left off. He's getting kinda fat!!!!

My neck is sore from sleeping on the recliner. My oldest daughter feels so bad about all of this that she has really stepped up with helping me feed and care for all of our horses. She is such a sweet girl!

I wasn't able to ride at soccer practice last night but my oldest was able to go with me. She just traded her appy for a paint mare a few weeks ago and has been really eager to try horse soccer. Well, they did great! The league owner wants her to join the youth league now! Looks like my sport is now hers!! That's okay. I love watching my girls and their horses!!

That's it for now. The pain meds are kicking in and I need a nap. In the recliner.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Horse Soccer!

It's been a while since my last post. Probably because not much is happening around here! The weather has taken a turn for the better and it's gotten cooler. 50 at night and 80 during the day!!

I joined the Arizona horse soccer league in October. I took my daughter's horse, Blaze, for the first few times to see how I would like it. Well, I LOVE it! On November 2nd, I took Hollywood, too and just let him loose in the arena while we played soccer. He was a bit frightened of the ball when it got too close, otherwise, he was fine. Then, on the 9th, I took only Hollywood. He kicked the ball a few times with me when I was on the ground. When the group started running, I mounted up and Hollywood just wanted to stay behind the pack. So, we chased the other horses, not the ball. Again, when the ball got to close, Hollywood would get a little nervous and try to run away. I kept his head pointed towards the ball and that seemed to help.

I wasn't able to go on the 16th (yesterday) so on Sunday (the 15th) my daughters rode their horses and kicked the ball around a bit in the round pen. I think my girls like soccer! I'm hoping I will be able to bring them over Christmas break.

Now, for the best part. Hollywood is doing great! I haven't ridden him much, just want him to heal. I took him to a Halloween "Spook" clinic on the 11th, Veterans Day. We have done the obstacles before so not much bothered him. It wasn't a riding clinic so we just did a ton of ground work. I'm hoping to ride him this week and see how he does. I don't anticipate any soreness. His trimmer came out on the 9th and said his heels are in the acceptable range and that he can now be trimmed every 6 weeks instead of every 3 weeks! YEA!!

That's it for now! Make it a great day!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Great Day!

On Tuesday, yesterday, Hollywood and I did some riding work. He was a little hot considering I haven't ridden him in a while. He calmed down after 10 minutes and we had a blast. He sure wants to please!

I rode him in his boots and gave him some pain reliever afterwards. He isn't sore today. I am really glad! I was soaking all four feet after a ride but this time I didn't.

My trimmer recommed a chiropracter for Hollywood but I am reluctant. I think his soreness in his shoulders is from sore feet. Now that he is starting to feel better and walking heel first, I want to wait and see.

I'm going to ride him hopefully tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday. The weather here has turned freakishly cold and windy.

Anyways, make it a great day everyone!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another sucessful trim! Week 9

My trimmer was out on Monday (yesterday) to check out Hollywood. He was at his 3 week trim but only his toe needed to be trimmed up a bit with a mustand roll. His heels are looking good, too! I am so pleased that things are going so well. He is still a bit stiff in his shoulders walking down into the washes but I'm going to give him a few more weeks to see if he doesn't improve.

Last week I rode Hollywood two days in a row. I thought he'd be sore after the first day but it was all good. We rode for 45 minutes each day and worked on his speed control. Hollywood LOVES to run so he was reved up and ready to go when we went into a lope. I waited until he wanted to stop before we went back to a trot. I haven't loped him since May so I am surprised that he was so easy to control!

I'm going to ride him again on Thursday. We'll see what happens!

Make it a great day!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Just a little collection....

I rode my Hollywood again yesterday morning. The weather was sunny and 75 degrees! Yea for winter! Well, as close to winter as Arizona gets, ha ha!

We trotted for about 10 minutes working on collection. Then we worked for 10 minutes on bridleless training. He was great and we enjoyed our time together. Hollywood is such a love bug and tries hard to please me. I sure love that boy.

I booted him for our ride and kept the boots on until lunch time. He hasn't been a bit sore, just a bit stiff in his left leg/shoulder. So far, so good.

I wanted to ride him bareback and work on our bridleless training today but it was raining this morning and it's pretty muddy out there. I'll try this afternoon when it dries up.

Make it a great Wednesday!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Great Weekend!

I had a great weekend! Now that the weather is cooling down, my girls and I are able to ride during the day. Yea!!

I rode Hollywood at a walk bareback on Saturday while my oldest ran laps around us. I guess all my desensitizing work last year with Hollywood paid off!!!!

Sunday, my oldest decided it was time to desensitize her horse to gun shot noise. Since dad was home, she thought a cap gun could do the trick. (There is NO way dad would let her near a BB gun much less a real gun!) We had a blast! She handled that horse very well. I have never seen him move out so fast. He is a typical kids horse and his lope is as slow as it gets.

Of course, during all of this commotion, Hollywood fell asleep. He really didn't want to be a part of it.

After my daughter's horse got tired loping around (a whopping 5 minutes), he decided that the noise wasn't going to kill him and he calmed down. I decided to try out my daughter's english saddle and trotted around with her. Hollywood did great. I didn't notice any pain in his front feet but we only did a few laps around the turnout.

He was a tiny bit stiff this morning so I soaked his feet (still having some thrush issues), gave him some pain reliver and he's as good as new. I have to admit that I like soaking his back feet because of the way he shakes his feet and takes huge steps!! Ha!

Get out there and enjoy the weather!

Make it a great day.......